Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Another Update...

So, since my last post...only 6 weeks...not too bad. Gosh, I need to get better.

The kids finished up the school year. Both Zach and Caitlyn had excellent grades. I am so proud of them for applying themselves so hard. Zachary is working hard at Wild Rivers, and whatever other odd jobs he can find to earn some money. He is trying to buy a truck. Caitlyn played a few days of water polo, then went up north to hang at Uncle Danny and Aunt Debbie's house for the fourth of July and a few weeks beyond. Her and Aunt Debbie are presently enjoying a few days in San Francisco. They hit all the hot spots...Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, Fisherman's Wharf, but the highlight of Caitlyn's trip was seeing the "Full House" house...silly girl. I want to see all the other hot spots.

As for Bryce...he joined the Navy. We are very proud of him. Until his basic training, he is working at Big 5. I have some qualms about the whole military thing. Nothing about Bryce, personally. I lived the military life for 8 years, and loved it!!! I think the experience will be great for him. I just see so much instability in the world present day. For example, the unrest in Iran, and nuclear threats by N. Korea. I just have to pray for him, and his safety, and feel secure in the training he is given. We are in a little bit of disarray right now, waiting for him to get an official school date. Originally, he was scheduled for April 1st. That was nice, everything was status quo. However, he put in for an ASAP school date. He found out last week that it went through, and he accepted that. He was told it could be as early as 2-4 weeks. Well, we are one week into that, with no date. I don't want to make any plans for fear that something could happen. Those of you that know me, know that I am a planner, so this is driving me nuts.

The boys right now are in Tennessee with their father's side of the family for a week. So, Casey and I have a week to ourselves. We haven't done much with it...hopefully, we will do something in the next few days. As Saturday, all the kids start coming home. It will be nice to have our family back together. It is oddly quiet here...that is both good and bad. I enjoy the solace, yet miss being hands on with the kids.

Until next time...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Flaking again...

OK, so obviously, I have broken my Resolution. I am here, nevertheless. I just checked, and my last post was April...so, what has happened since April???

Let's see...my mom hit a milestone and turned 6-0!!! Sorry, mom, but had to share. I hit 39, which means, I am on my final months to the big 4-0...kinda weird. I think in my head, I will always be 25...I WISH!!! Also, in April, Zachary, got his driver's license. I can't believe it, both of my boys are driving.

We have had a blast following my youngest brother Kyle, in baseball. He is a senior at Beckman High School. This year began, with Kyle being awarded a full scholarship in baseball to University of Riverside...a huge honor in the baseball world. Then his team went undefeated in league to become the Pacific Coast League champs. They went all the way to finals in CIF, and this Saturday were honored to play at Angel stadium for the championship game. Unfortunately, they did not win. But Kyle, did not disappoint. He hit an RBI double off the right center fence. Talk about a major league hit. WOW!!! We all thought it was going out. He was given the honor of MVP on his team. We are so proud of him. He graduates in 6 short days.

Zach is working at Wild Rivers for the summer as a lifeguard. He absolutely loves his job. And Bryce is joining the Navy. UGH!!! I am proud of him, but separation anxiety is already hitting at my heart. I cannot believe my baby boy is going to fly the nest. He is in San Diego right now doing his testing, physical and looking for a job in the Navy. I will update when I get more info on exactly what he is doing, where he is going and when. Caitlyn is our little angel. Her head is always attached to a phone, and she is giggling like a hyiena. Definately a teenager, and only 12 years old...heaven help us, when the real teens set in. Luckily, she is a student at heart, and we never have to worry about her grades or homework...yet anyway. Right now, she cries over B's. Casey and I are good, as well. He is doing his norm...working hard and playing softball, and I am mommying and whatnot. All in all - life is good.

And yes, if you read my last post, you probably realize that the 6 year anniversary of Mark's death just passed. I can't believe it. He is missed and thought of so much every day. I would love to just have a quick conversation with him...even just one more time. Always cherish those around you. You never know. Life is short, and every moment a gift. Don't waste it.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Remembering Mark

This was posted on Saturday, June 7, 2008. On a blog I am shutting down. However, this was an important post to me, and I wanted it to be seen by anyone that follows me and my family, as this single event, has left such a huge impact on all of us.

Today is a weird day. It was 5 years ago today that I lost my baby brother, Mark. He died at 30 suddenly of a thoracic aortic aneurysm...a very rare disorder that every doctor we consulted, and even the coroner was shocked. He had had slight chest pains for about 48 hours, and even had he gone to the doctor no one would have looked for something like that.So, apparently, it was just his time. I have a hard time understanding that. His children were 6 and 10 at the time. How can it be the time for any young father? To me this is just so wrong. After 5 years, I still haven't found peace. My parents are devastated, his kids don't have their daddy, and Mikey and I...along with our step and half brothers have lost the funniest brother. This doesn't even cover my grandmother, my aunt and uncle, and all his nieces and nephews. He will be forever missed by so many people. Today was bizarre...I would look at the clock and think OK, what were we doing at this time that day? The answer was mainly crying...it just depended where we were at crying. That was the single worst day of my life. I hope I never have to go through something like that again. It was hell to see the look in my parents eyes...in his kids eyes. Oh my gosh...that memory doesn't fade.To Mark,I love you...whether you are here in person or spirit, you were an awesome brother. So many times over the past 5 years, I have wanted to call you. It is so weird to think of never seeing you, or never talking to you again. I can only hope you are in a better place, and someday our family will be reunited again. You are with me every day. I wish you could meet your newest nephew (well, until August, when Mike and Shanna have #2), but your namesake, baby Mark Kenneth Boudreau II, is just the cutest little guy. He does have a great sense of humor, so your influence must be in him somewhere.

I blew my Resolution

DANG IT!!! Who wants to read a blog that doesn't get posted on? NO ONE. I can't believe I haven't been here since January 31. I guess that is not so bad. A lot of people break their resolutions by January 2nd. At least I made it through the month, right. OK...Not good enough.

In my defense, I have been busy. Zachary is back in swim season, so there have been lots of meets that I have been at. He is doing well in his 2nd year of varsity swim. He is a distance swimmer, so he swims the 500 meter, which is 20 laps. I get tired just thinking of it. He is more often than not in the top 3 or 4 out of 8.

Caitlyn is busy with school...as is Bryce. Caitlyn had a 3.8 GPA in the first semester - we are very proud. Bryce keeps busy working and studying...and of course, being 19 - he does lots of "hanging out". This week was Spring Break, so everyone was home, and under foot. Unfortunately, due to the economic times, 30 Min. Photo had to let Bryce go (last hired - first fired!!). However, he has now been hired with Netflix. He starts this coming Tuesday at 4AM. YUCK...then he goes straight to school. I think it is going to be a rough afternoon around here. Zach got his drivers license this last week. Yes, I have 2 driving boys. Where does the time go.

BASEBALL!!! Yay...baseball season started this week. The Angels won their opener, then lost the next 2 games. I must say the games were good and close. Unfortunately, as I am sure everyone heard, their new, up and coming prospect pitcher, Nick Adenhart was killed Wed. night/Thursday AM right after making his first phenomonal start of the season. He held the Oakland A's scoreless for 6 innings. When he left the game in the 7th, the Angels were ahead 4-0. They went on to lose the game, but to no fault of Adenhart. After he, his girlfriend and 2 friends left the ball field, they were heading to a dance club. Unfortunately, a drunk driver came upon them before they arrived, and killed Adenhart, his girlfriend and one other passenger. There is one passenger in critical condition in the hospital, but should survive. This is so painful for the team, but even more for all of their families. The driver of the other vehicle had a BAL of 3 times the legal limit, no license due to other drunk driving convictions and drug charges on his record. DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!! It kills...It is tragic and pointless and lives are forever changed. The Angels cancelled the game that evening, out of respect of the families and the team. They came back on Friday night and gave an awesome remembrance of Adenhart just prior to the game. The Angels are truly a class act. In their series with the Boston Red Sox this weekend, the Angels took 2/3 games. That gives them a record of 3/6 on the season, with one game to be made up later in the year with the Oakland A's. Can't wait to watch them play on Tuesday.

Catie and I are badly addicted to American Idol. The kids are good this year. Still there is no one like Carrie Underwood...she is the best Idol ever. I love Danny Goeke; I think he is great. Another fave is Adam Lambert. Danny is definately #1 for me, but Adam can do some amazing things with his voice...and Caitie's friends are in love with him. I think they will be the final 2.

Hopefully, I have caught everyone up enough, and I will post again soon - I promise!!!

Saturday, January 31, 2009


OOPS!!! My promise, I know - Blog, Blog, Blog. Not much has happened, however.

Casey works, I do house stuff, the kids go to school and/or work. I have however, gotten into Fish Wrangler on FaceBook. Casey started it, then he conned me into it, then the kids started. Bryce isn't into it, but Catie and Zach are. Are main topic of conversation around here for the last week has been "fishing". Who caught what, how many points we got, what we have "bought", etc. It is actually pretty amusing.

I got to attend the CHA show on Monday. Thanks to my friend, the owner of Kits2Remember.com. CHA stands for crafts and hobby association. This is where they display all of the NEW releases for crafts...we focused on scrapbooking. It was a pretty amazing thing to see. Now we just have to wait for all the awesome stuff to hit the stores.

Well, Zach pulled off his 3.0 this semester. That means he can get his license. OMG>>>2 of my kids driving. He worked really hard for this, I am so proud of him. I think it actually works out to a 3.3 or something. Caitlyn will have that or higher, she is always a great student. We are equally as proud of her. Bryce starts school again next week on the 10th. He is taking more academic classes this semester, and working full-time, so I hope he can handle his full load. I know he can...I just hope he knows he can.

Everyone cross your fingers. I want to be a better blogger. I need something exciting to happen around here. Until next time, take care.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

From not much to Obama

I am still here. Still keeping up my blogging promises. It has been an uneventful week.

Kids are doing well in school...Bryce and Casey are working hard, and I am doing what I do.

Bryce turned 19 on Saturday...19...I am so not old enough to have a 19 year old son. He was such a stick in the mud. He refused to go out to dinner; he didn't want to do anything, but sit home. His BFF came over for several hours, and Sarah stopped by. Gramma, of course, made her way over. That was his day. He said he just wanted to hang out...so we did a big fat zero.

Today is the inauguration. So, we are now under President Obama. I think it is great that this country has come to a place to elect a black person. However, I wish it had been a black person like Colin Powell, JC Watts or Condoleeza Rice. I don't agree with most of Obama's policies. However, I will give him a chance, even though he didn't get my vote. I won't complain until he does something to complain about. I will pray for him and this country.

I will say, on a day like today, I see the humanity of it all. Not Republican or Democrat, but 2 men (and their families). One leaving their home, and one coming into it. How hard it must be for the Bushes to leave their home with the people moving into it, and not get to take a minute to say "Bye house". But to have to leave with dignity and publicly, as opposed to privately, with maybe a tear in their eye. And for the Obama's to have this new home, and yet they are travelling all around the city, not able to settle into their new life. It is all very surreal. I don't think it will hit any of them for days. How could it? The enormity of no longer being President, and the worries and burdens you carry every second, and the enormity of now being President, and needing to do that job. It is crazy when you think about what has been bestowed on both families. I did hear an interview with Laura Bush - she hasn't cooked in 15 years between the Governor's mansion and the White House. Boy that reality will hit come dinner time tonight.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Still Bloggin'

I am trying REALLY hard to stay faithful here. However, there is not much to update on.

I am better...and planning to stay that way. Now Bryce is home from work with it, and Caitlyn is starting to get it.

So, the basic story around here is I am bloggin' and we are still buggin'.

I have a busy week ahead...just household normal stuff. I HAVE to get to COSTCO...we have piles of laundry and no detergent - major problem in a household of 5. I get my baby nephews 2 times this week (lucky me) Tuesday morning and Thursday night. I have a dr. appt. for no reason, really. My dr. is out sick for a month, so I have to see the fill-in for my regular meds, that normally automatically refill. What a pain - who ever said drs. could take sick days??? That is almost an oxymoron!!! I have an aquatics board meeting and bills to pay later in the week.

Hopefully, something fun and exciting will happen for me to blog about.

Thanks for reading this rambling blog...but I have to stay faithful to my promise. I have to make this a habit.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Bugs aplenty

I don't have much of an update, but I wanted to stay true to my resolution.

The bugs in my house have multiplied...I think we need the equivalent of a bug bomb made of Lysol.

Zachary started this one with a raging sore throat and head cold. He so sweetly shared it with me. I am suffering through it right now. Yesterday, it didn't seem so bad. I was congested and coughing some with some fatigue. Today, however, the cough won't stop. My head feels like a bug bomb that could explode at any time. Casey doesn't like it when I am sick, so I am trying to stir up some energy to figure out something easy to make for dinner - I don't think it will happen. Besides, if my family were smart, they wouldn't want to eat anything I made anyway.

However, this morning, Bryce told me as he was leaving for work that he was going to rest this weekend, since he is pretty sure he was catching this...I hope not. The cough is so nagging.

I think I have some good news. A friend of mine from high school is battling breast cancer that has metastacized to her liver, pelvis, spine and brain. She is truly miraculous. She has been fighting for nearly 2 years now, and though she has down falls, she seems to have more upturns. She has walked in the last 2 Susan G Koman breast cancer walks...her and her team have made miraculous sums of money. The first year they made $58,000+ I am not sure about this past year, but I am sure they probably surpassed it. Anyway, yesterday she had a double mastectomy. She apparently did very well. The suregery was shorter than expected, and the doctor's said she did great. I am sure there is a major emotional toll in a surgery such as this...and I haven't gotten a report on her frame of mind yet. However, she has a husband and 4 beautiful children. They need all the prayers they can get, as she is truly in the fight of all of their lives. You can read more about her story, and a big fundraiser coming up at www.marilynkeepingthefaith.com. "Keepin the faith", is her motto for the whole undertaking, and her team title for the walks. There was a story on the front page of the Local page of the OC Register last week, some of you may have read it...if you did, I am sure you were touched by her outlook. If you are on FaceBook, there are links to her story and updates on my FaceBook page.

I hope this finds all of you well, and this is the last bug to make it's round through our house. Have a good one... :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Resolutions, Bugs and Stuff

I am here again. I am keeping up pretty well with my Resolution. Think about it...those of you who resolved to diet have possibly cheated; if you resolved to quit smoking, you may have had at least part of a cigarette. Blogging, that is easy...and here I am on Jan. 4th holding true to my word. Let's see when I come back again, huh.

So, as you know, we have had bugs or illnesses aplenty going through this house. Believe it or not, die hard, nothing gets him down Casey got hit the worst. He was knocked on his back for 3 days, and lost 13 pounds in that period. If you know Casey, you know he EATS>>>well, in those 3 days, he ate a piece of toast, 1/2 bowl of soup and a carton of Yoplait yogurt. Last night, he had homemade soup, and was happy to finally feel well enough to "get full". Today, he is eating everything. He is just enjoying the fact that he can. However, he may gain half of that weight back. Luckily, no one else has caught whatever he was plagued with...KNOCK ON WOOD!!!

Zachary, is out on his dirtbiking expedition. His favorite activity. He should be home in a few hours, and I am anxious to see him. I missed him. I always wonder if he will be all scraped up or break any bones while he is gone; he has done both in the past. Swim season is coming up, and a broken bone now would not make his coach very happy.

As for Bryce, he got his first paycheck from his new job. He was thrilled to have made more in 5-1/2 days than any other pay period of his life. I think he was bummed to have Saturday off - he would have rather been racking up the hours. So, far he is very happy with his job, and they are happy with him.

Caitlyn and I have been less eventful. We spent 2 days shopping, and taking care of her returns. She grew like a weed, and was too big for all her clothes she got for Christmas. She actually got size 12 Regular pants, and size 6-1/2 in women's shoes. My baby is a tween, and getting big. I enjoyed the shopping part. I didn't get anything, but I like to shop, so we had fun.

Tomorrow, is back to business. Zach and Catie go back to school, Bryce and Casey go back to work, and I go to Costco so we can get back on schedule and fill the fridge. I am sure you can relate.

Well, I have some work to do on my blogging skills. I tried to post some pictures in with this, but it kept placing them on the top of my post instead of in the middle where I was trying to place them. So, I actually typed this about 5 times...talk about dedication to my New Year's Resolution. If anyone knows how to put a picture at the END of the paragraph you are posting about, please leave me a comment and let me know.

I hope you all have a super great week, and I also hope you will hear from me within this week. Crossing my fingers that I stay true to my Resolution.