Friday, June 12, 2009

Flaking again...

OK, so obviously, I have broken my Resolution. I am here, nevertheless. I just checked, and my last post was, what has happened since April???

Let's mom hit a milestone and turned 6-0!!! Sorry, mom, but had to share. I hit 39, which means, I am on my final months to the big 4-0...kinda weird. I think in my head, I will always be 25...I WISH!!! Also, in April, Zachary, got his driver's license. I can't believe it, both of my boys are driving.

We have had a blast following my youngest brother Kyle, in baseball. He is a senior at Beckman High School. This year began, with Kyle being awarded a full scholarship in baseball to University of Riverside...a huge honor in the baseball world. Then his team went undefeated in league to become the Pacific Coast League champs. They went all the way to finals in CIF, and this Saturday were honored to play at Angel stadium for the championship game. Unfortunately, they did not win. But Kyle, did not disappoint. He hit an RBI double off the right center fence. Talk about a major league hit. WOW!!! We all thought it was going out. He was given the honor of MVP on his team. We are so proud of him. He graduates in 6 short days.

Zach is working at Wild Rivers for the summer as a lifeguard. He absolutely loves his job. And Bryce is joining the Navy. UGH!!! I am proud of him, but separation anxiety is already hitting at my heart. I cannot believe my baby boy is going to fly the nest. He is in San Diego right now doing his testing, physical and looking for a job in the Navy. I will update when I get more info on exactly what he is doing, where he is going and when. Caitlyn is our little angel. Her head is always attached to a phone, and she is giggling like a hyiena. Definately a teenager, and only 12 years old...heaven help us, when the real teens set in. Luckily, she is a student at heart, and we never have to worry about her grades or homework...yet anyway. Right now, she cries over B's. Casey and I are good, as well. He is doing his norm...working hard and playing softball, and I am mommying and whatnot. All in all - life is good.

And yes, if you read my last post, you probably realize that the 6 year anniversary of Mark's death just passed. I can't believe it. He is missed and thought of so much every day. I would love to just have a quick conversation with him...even just one more time. Always cherish those around you. You never know. Life is short, and every moment a gift. Don't waste it.

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